Are You and Your Business Ready for Pinterest?

Gain clarity on whether your business is ready for Pinterest marketing or if there are a few things you need to tweak first.

Take advantage of this quick 30-minute course if you're planning to grow your business with Pinterest.

What you'll learn

After completing the course you'll have clarity about...

  • The value of Pinterest

    You'll understand why we said that Pinterest is an excellent low maintenance tool for business growth

  • Key Components

    You'll be able to assess if you have all the pieces for a successful Pinterest strategy in place or identify what's missing.

  • Next Steps To Launch

    After going through the material, you'll know what concrete actionable steps to take, whether you have everything to get started or you're missing something.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! How To Use This Course

    2. Pinterest Ready Grading Tool

    1. The Power of The Platform

    2. The Audience Mindset

    3. The Evergreen Impact

    1. You/ Team

    1. Your Website

    2. Your Content

    3. Your Funnel

    1. DIY Pinterest Marketing

    2. Hands-off Pinterest Marketing

    3. Tools for Efficient Pinterest Marketing

    1. Got Your Results, What's Next?

    2. Resources for Pinterest Marketing Success

    3. Help me Help You Bettter

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons

This Course Is For You If

  • You've had Pinterest in your To-Do list but you're not sure you have everything you need

  • You've heard about Pinterest potential but don't know where to start

  • You want to reach a new audience of action takers on Pinterest but need help getting started

Client Love

What people is saying about Fruitful Pin

“I had the pleasure of working with Susy as my Pinterest Marketing Strategist, and I cannot recommend her highly enough. Her expertise and strategic approach significantly boosted traffic to my websites. Her ability to execute a hands-off strategy stood out, allowing me to focus on other aspects of my business. If you're looking for a top-notch Pinterest marketing professional, Susy is the one to go for!”

Paulina W

“Working with Susy Cid was an enlightening experience that truly showcased the power of Pinterest. Her expertise shone through as she guided me through the platform. Susy's patience was remarkable; she took the time to walk me through every step, ensuring I grasped the concepts thoroughly. Her depth of knowledge was evident, and she was incredibly helpful in sharing tips and strategies. I highly recommend Susy for her invaluable assistance and her thorough, knowledgeable approach.”

Erica K

“Susy is an absolute rockstar in helping clients understand, utilize, and maximize the power of Pinterest! I really had no idea about the reach and power Pinterest had as a search engine until Susy educated me!”

Becky D

Pin-Ready Blueprint. Get Ready, Set, Grow: Your Path to Pinterest Readiness